“Climate change is a psychological crisis, whatever else it is.”
– Poulsen, 2018 –

We are psychologists and psychotherapists based in Germany who contribute their psychological and therapeutic expertise to meet the challenges posed by the climate crisis and to facilitate a sustainable future.
This includes creating awareness of the climate crisis, facilitating emotional coping strategies and constructive action when dealing with the climate crisis, and supporting climate activists (individuals and groups).
About Us
The climate crisis is man-made. It requires changes in our behavior and communal life. These changes call for a resolute course of action on a socio-political level, both to prevent further consequences of the climate crisis and to adapt in due time. In view of our professional ethics as psychologists and psychotherapists, we feel the urge to actively support the processes of these changes. In order to have an impact not only inside Germany but on an international level as well, we offer information and assistance here for international psychologists and psychotherapists who would like to join or form their own group. See our complete statement.
Our TEDx Talk: How Your Climate Emotions can Change the World – Katharina Van Bronswijk
In this TEDx talk, Katharina van Bronswijk from Psychologists for Future explains why it is important to feel climate anxiety and other climate emotions.
Our Media Guide: Psychological Recommendations for Media Coverage of the Climate Crisis
Our media guide is out now! Find out how media creators, journalists and news agencies can adjust their communication to help people understand the complexity of the climate crisis and get into action – without being overwhelmed by negative emotions.
Original Version
Short Version
For more details see https://medienleitfaden-klima.de (in German).
Why Psychologists/Psychotherapists for Future
The existential threat to our natural environment caused by the climate crisis affects all of us. The consequences are already noticeable all over the planet.
The initiators of the Fridays for Future movement talk about the most important crisis of mankind, and rightly so. They are supported by a broad alliance of scientists. Their research proves not only the impact of human behavior on climate change but also provides potential solutions. Yet we need to act now and new political and social priorities are required to be successful.
As professional psychologists and psychotherapists we feel that it is our responsibility to contribute our expertise to manage these major challenges.
For many years various international psychological and medical authorities have researched the connections between climate change and psychology/psychotherapy. This includes topics like dealing with defense mechanisms like psychological denial, motivating people towards behavioral change, and dealing with psychological stress and disorders.
About Psychologists for Future (external video link)
Climate protection has a health-preserving effect and can be effective and comforting, especially together with other people.
If you feel burdened by your climate emotions, and are looking for support, please visit our Get Support page.